Friday, September 17, 2010

Whats the difference contained by hypermemory and shared memory?

Im buying a laptop and I obligation to chose one. There is a laptop with a ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 processor and it have 512 hypermemory. And there is a laptop next to a NVIDIA GeForce Go 6100 processor and 128 shared memory. Whats the difference and which one should i get?

Whats the difference contained by hypermemory and shared memory?

They are really one and the same thing. ATI have a technology that they brand as Hypermemory.

ATI claims this technology enables a tightening in the amount of memory on a graphics card in need compromising its overall performance.

For the best gaming or video show, get the most memory ON BOARD that you can. Shared memory will other lag conduct over dedicated, on the ship, memory.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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